Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This Week's Menu Plan

Today's post is just to inspire your menu. Do you make a menu plan every week? I do. I make a menu plan and grocery shop, accordingly. I'll go more into depth with the specifics in another post. Back to Menu Planning,
I sit down once a month and decide what I want to cook. I make a menu plan for each week in that month.

Here's this week's Menu:

Monday- (Labor Day) BBQ
Tuesday- (Taco Tuesday) Taco Salad w/ black bean and corn salsa
Wednesday- Chicken and noodles
Thursday- Cheese coneys
Friday- Open / leftovers
Saturday- Open/ leftovers
Sunday- Roast w/ potatoes and Carrots

I only cook Sundays-Thursday. Fridays and Saturdays we either eat out, choose leftovers or a quick easy meal we already have at home. I pin a lot of recipes that I'd like to try. When I'm sitting down to plan our meals I print them and add them to my recipe binder. I shop according to the recipes. I like to try different recipes because we hate eating the same things over and over. I do let the kids have some input. My kids are very picky and don't like spicy foods, so I have to let them feel involved.

 What are your thoughts? How do you plan your meals? What works for you and your family?

Share your menu for the week below.


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