Wednesday, September 30, 2015

DIY Mirrored Vase and Fall Flower Arrangement

I have been wanting to make these for some time now, but every time I went to my local Dollar Tree, they were out of stock. I happened to go in today to pick up cheap batteries for the kids toys and a couple of Halloween decorations for the house.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Monday Menu Motivation

Welcome to Monday Menu Motivation!

 Monday Menu Motivation is where I share our menu for the week plus some tips and tricks. I told you guys in my past menu post (HERE) that I sit down and plan four weeks of meals in one sitting I, then, grocery shop once a week from my menu. That is true! I try to plan once per month for four weeks at a time. This helps me to see what we have been eating and also helps to have a variety of meals. I don't like eating the same meals over and over again.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Monday Menu Motivation (On Wednesday)

Happy First day of Fall!!

I know it's Wednesday and I'm a little late sharing, but I want to share this week's menu with you. I want to give you just a little motivation for your next week's menu or even a future menu. As I previously stated, I make meal plans once a month and grocery shop from my meals. I'll get into that a little deeper with Monday's post: Monday Menu Motivation. Click here and here for previous menus.

For menu planning tips continue to read...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Dollar Tree Finds (Haul with pictures)

I love the Dollar Tree. I, especially, like shopping for the treasures and organizing materials! I recently went into the Dollar Tree to pick out a couple of things for my son's birthday, We walked down the aisle that usually has the tech related things and spotted lots of DVDs. This aisle doesn't usually have much for us, but this time was different.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lunch Ideas Your Kids Will Love

Today, I have some lunch ideas your children will love. I know I'm not the only one who gets stumped when it's time to prepare lunches for the kiddies. I have two children that pack for school. My oldest takes a full lunch because he attends school all day. I, also, pack him a snack for snack time in case he gets hungry.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Menu Plan for the week

Its that time of the week again! It's time to share this week's menu. My middle son's birthday is this week and he had a choice of the dinner he wanted and he chose Lasagna. I was surprised by this. Lasagna was never his favorite meal, but he has been watching Garfield with my oldest and they have fallen in love with Lasagna again. I thought it was funny.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Straight Talk: Being a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM)

I absolutely love being able to stay home with my boys and be there for them all of the time, but that's also a drawback of being a SAHM! I often find myself needing an outlet. I want the best for my boys, but I also need the best for myself. We moved across country and don't have any family around so we have had to learn, even more, how to juggle being parents, husband and wife and individuals. We need our family time, date nights and our ME time. How do you manage when there's no one there to give you that time?

Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Best Marinated Grilled Chicken!

Today, I wanted to share a recipe with you. The recipe is one I first discovered on *'How Jen Does It.' Jen uses this chicken in conjunction with Penne pasta to make Grilled Chicken and Penne Pasta. The original recipe is very good! Every time I make it, my husband absolutely loves it. If I ask him for a meal suggestion he always says the Grilled Chicken and Penne Pasta!

Since he likes it so much, I decided to use this marinade recipe in other dishes I cook. I've used it in many different chicken recipes including a grilled chicken sandwich!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

This Week's Menu Plan

Today's post is just to inspire your menu. Do you make a menu plan every week? I do. I make a menu plan and grocery shop, accordingly. I'll go more into depth with the specifics in another post. Back to Menu Planning,

Monday, September 7, 2015

Hey, That's a Good idea #1: Lunch Packing Cabinet

Hey, That's a good idea! It's always nice, in my opinion, to see how other people do things around their house. I get inspired when I can take an idea of someone else's that I love and make it my own or basically implement it in my own way. Today's post is exactly that. This is something I saw on *Happily A Housewife on YouTube and I was inspired to make my own.

                     I thought, "Hey, that's a Good Idea!"

Friday, September 4, 2015

Are You Drinking Enough Water Everyday?

Happy Friday,

I am on a journey to get my life back! I want to be healthy and fit again, like I was before I had my three children. I know a big part of that is to make sure I eat right, exercise and drink plenty of water. We have to stay hydrated so that our bodies will continue to work, right?

Here are a few ways I make sure I'm getting at least 64 ounces of water a day:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Just A Little About Me...

Hello all,

Welcome to Tamala Today. I am Tamala as you may have guessed. My name is pronounced like Pamela, but with a 'T.' I am a wife and a mother of three boys! I have a 9 year old, a 2 year old and an almost 6 year old. All of my boys are summer babies. July, August and September. I am a busy stay at home mom and I really enjoy being able to stay home with them.

I Thought This Was Cool!

I was surfing the net (does anyone still say that?) and I stumbled across this: